2025 Business Disruption: 5 AI-Driven Trends to Watch

December 31, 2024

In 2025, several transformative trends are emerging that will reshape industries and redefine the relationship between technology, business, and individuals. Accrete is excited to explore these key developments and their implications for a future driven by innovation.

1. The Golden Age of SaaS is Over

For the past two decades, the venture-fueled SaaS industry has grown and grown as businesses of all sizes purchased a wide range of software tools - resulting in tech stacks of hundreds of different tools that need to be managed, integrated and paid for. However, with the rise of AI, this era is coming to an end as CIOs look to reduce costs and trim their software sprawl. 

In 2025, AI will fundamentally reshape how companies buy and use software. Businesses will increasingly leverage AI to enhance the efficiency of their software ecosystems and reduce reliance on large software vendors. This shift will result in a new landscape where AI enables more streamlined and cost-effective solutions, marking a tectonic change in business technology.

2. The Rise of Dual-Use Technology

Dual-use technology, which serves both government and enterprise applications, is gaining widespread traction. Historically, technologies like GPS, the internet, and semiconductors are prime examples that were first developed and tested in government and military settings before becoming staples in everyday life. This progression provides a sense of reliability and trustworthiness for private sector companies adopting such technologies.

Conversely, governments worldwide are increasingly looking to the private sector for innovation to enhance their processes and tech stacks. The private sector’s faster pace of development and significant investment in technology make it a valuable partner for driving progress. As a result, dual-use technologies are poised to become more commonplace, bridging the gap between public and private sector needs.

3. AI Empowers Operations Teams

As businesses get back to organizational growth after the mass tech layoffs associated with the end of the zero-interest rate boom. Operations teams play a critical role in managing this growth by connecting functions, processes, and data within organizations.

AI is set to revolutionize these operations roles by breaking down silos and aligning teams, strategies, and processes. By acting as a connective tissue, AI will enhance collaboration and drive shared, positive outcomes for businesses. In 2025, AI’s ability to streamline operations and foster organizational cohesion will be more critical than ever.

4. Closer Collaboration Between Humans and AI

Over the past few years, much of the focus on AI has revolved around technical metrics – training data sizes, model performance, and benchmarking. However, as AI becomes more integrated into daily work life, the impact on individuals will take center stage.

In 2025, the emphasis will shift to the interplay between humans and AI, both professionally and personally. Many companies are embedding AI into consumer devices and enterprise applications, illustrating how AI can enhance everyday experiences. This “people plus AI” paradigm will underscore how technology augments human capabilities, creating new opportunities for collaboration and productivity. 2025 will be the year in which almost every job will be evaluated as to how AI can amplify the knowledge required, supercharging individual productivity.

5. “Responsible AI” Gets Trickier

The road to "responsible AI” gets more complicated: As AI has become a buzzword, so has the term “responsible AI,” which has been a go-to phrase by organizations who want to promise that their AI can be ethical and good for society. However, the reality that will set in during 2025 is that “responsible AI” ultimately depends on the ground truth being fed into the system. Much like with American democracy or the state of media today, the validity of information depends on the source and the humans involved in managing it. For AI to work well, it must be managed by the right groups – with the correct truths. We will see steps in the right direction, and others not so positive, in the year ahead – depending on the scenario.

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The trends shaping 2025 highlight the growing importance of AI and technology in solving complex challenges, enhancing operations, and creating seamless user experiences. From dual-use technologies to the transformation of SaaS, these developments reflect a world where AI innovation drives meaningful progress.

Accrete is committed to staying at the forefront of these trends, empowering businesses and individuals to harness the full potential of AI agents to bring an end to organizational knowledge loss.