

Accrete’s Highly Configurable Analytical AI Agent for Anomaly Detection

See Argus In Action

Featured Argus Configurations

Argus is a highly configurable dual-use anomaly detection analytical AI Agent that continuously analyzes the open-source web, in multiple languages, to predict anomalous and nefarious behavior hidden in plain sight.

Logistics Resilience

Reverse Engineering

Additional Configurations

Argus reads, understands, and learns at scale as it scours everything from news and social media to company filings and microprocessor manuals to predict supply chain influence, software vulnerabilities, logistics resilience, viral mis/disinformation, insider threats, and more.

Counter Misinformation
Supply Chain Influence
Competitive Intelligence
Insider Threat Detection
Anti-Money Laundering
Background Checking

Automate cognitive work at scale.

Conventional software cannot perform analytical work because it is unable to learn in domain-specific ways. In contrast, Argus is able to read, understand shifting contexts, and learn in domain-specific ways. Argus builds on accumulated knowledge to create new knowledge and novel insights traditional software cannot.

Surface critical insights in real-time.

Seeded with expert-defined ground truth, Argus understands what types of insights human experts seek. Using expert-defined ground truth as a lens through which to interpret new information, Argus continuously analyzes an ever-expanding universe of complex open-source and proprietary data at a scale that would otherwise require an army of human experts. Argus boosts analytical efficiency and increases the production volume of actionable, explainable, and reliable anomalies detected for orders of magnitude less cost than growing teams of specialized human experts.

Avoid painful manual data labeling.

Most static AI tools require massive amounts of initial and ongoing training and labeling. Accrete’s models learn implicitly and require no explicit rules or labeling. This enables Argus to accurately perform cognitive work at scale without the time-consuming manual labeling.


"Accrete is cutting our most complex and intensive engineering timelines by months (a 50% reduction in timeline and an 80% decrease in manpower), while dramatically improving the accuracy of our technical solutions.

Their continuous learning platform is so revolutionary that we are now able to embark on technical projects that were too manually intensive to even consider.

We strongly believe that with Accrete’s cutting edge technologies we are prepared for the intensively competitive international landscape, where artificial intelligence is the key to staying ahead of our competitors and assuring our national security."

"Accrete's ability to automate contextual understanding from massive amounts of data to better understand adversary intent is a challenge faced across the supply chain risk management community.

Accrete has demonstrated that modern data analytics techniques can outperform current methods...

in identifying potential foreign intelligence adversary influence in the Department of Defense supply chain. This solution is relevant to many Defense Department organizations."

The U.S. Department of Defense
Bolstering National Security with
Argus for Supply Chain Risk Management


Foreign adversaries are manipulating and hampering the U.S. supply chain, creating potential shortages in areas like semiconductors and other key hardware. This interference has a direct impact on many DoD operations.

Most data in the world is public, with many foreign threats hiding in plain sight. And given the sheer volume of that data, it is difficult for decision-makers and defense analysts to locate those threats to protect the U.S. supply chain. To make matters worse, traditional analytics and static AI tools don’t work because they aren’t smart enough and can’t scale.


Argus and its continually learning AI detect anomalies in the U.S. supply chain that are hidden in public data. This enables it to identify vulnerabilities and emerging threats quickly.

So far, Argus has analyzed over 80 million documents relating to more than 35 million entities and more than 25,000 investment projects in more than 180 countries. Through its analysis, Argus has already inferred over 250 million relationships, resulting in the discovery of valuable insights that directly help locate active foreign threats and secure the U.S. supply chain. 

To do what Argus is doing with traditional methods would cost the DoD an estimated $238 million, or the equivalent of 2,000 analysts, per year.









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